Classroom Policies & Procedures
There are 13 in person classes. As such, no more than 3 unexcused absences are permitted. Regular and prompt attendance at each in person scheduled session is required for students to advance to the next grade. If for any reason a child is unable to attend a class, please contact the child’s catechist and the religious ed office in advance.
You can find all of our teacher emails here once classes begin in the fall.
It is important that students be on time for class. No one is permitted into the building until the door opens 10 minutes prior to class. This allows teachers time to prepare and gives our staff time to secure the building to insure the safety of all.
Note: Students in grades 1, 2 and 3 should be escorted to their classroom by their parent or caregiver. They are never to be “dropped off”.
At the end of class, parents of grade 1, 2, and 3 students must come to their child’s classroom for dismissal.
Other students will be brought to the building entrance by their teachers.
No parent will be allowed to go to a classroom prior to the end of class.
Parents are not permitted in the building during class time, except for special programs.
Class Etiquette
Students are expected to be respectful and attentive. (Remember that catechists are valued volunteers and are not expected to deal with students whose behavior is disruptive to the group.)
Cell phones and all other devices are to be silenced and stowed away during class time.
Any form of vandalism is not be tolerated; restitution is made.
Possession or use of an illegal drug, alcohol or tobacco will result in immediate suspension.
If the Southampton public school district cancels classes or after school activities because of weather or other concerns, then in-person religious education classes are cancelled that day. Classes by ZOOM may be held in place of those classes.
If classes are cancelled because of an emergency at Sacred Hearts, parents will be contacted by text, using the cell phone number provided on the registration form.
General Information
Mass Attendance
Of everything we do here at Sacred Hearts to foster your child’s religious education, none of it will matter if we do not practice our faith by going to Mass on Sundays. The 9:30 Children’s Mass is especially designed with families in mind. The choir and lectors are all young people and the homily is always an accessible interpretation of God’s Word. Please plan to take part in our celebration of Mass each week and come together to get to know your community and church family.
All are welcome here. Regardless of your age, orientation, or race. Whether you worship regularly or only when you can. Whether you embrace the life of faith or struggle to find God in the midst of it all. Jesus comes to all of us. Saints and sinners alike. It is the mission of our parish to open wide the doors to all who come here to pray.
Parent Meetings
As parent meetings are scheduled, parents will be informed by email and text well in advance. These dates will also be posted here on the website. Your attendance these meetings is required and is an important component of your child’s religious education.
Messages will be sent to parents regularly via texts to the cell phone number given on the registration form.
Child Lures Prevention
Links will be sent via email for the completion of the diocesan requirement Child Lures Prevention: Think First & Stay Safe. All families will be asked to watch the Thoughtful and Safe Life Lessons videos with their children and submit a confirmation of completion form.
Contact us
To contact our Religious Education office:
Email us at:
Email is checked daily by our team.
Call us at: 631-283-0508
(Note: office is only open on Wednesdays during the school year)