Pre Cana at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Our Pre Cana session will be held at the Parish Center on Saturday, February 22, 2025. This wonderful marriage preparation day will begin at 9:30 AM and end with the 5:00 PM Mass. Mass is part of the day and will include a blessing of your engagement rings and a blessing for you as you prepare to receive the sacrament of matrimony. Feel free to invite family and friends to join you at this joyful Mass. Lunch and snacks during the Day will be provided. A donation of $150 per couple is requested.

Please use the REGISTER NOW button to complete the form details and follow through to your cart to make your payment.

If you have made other plans for Pre Cana, please email Fr. Mike with the details of the place and time of the session you will attend.

We look forward to seeing you!

Pre Cana Registration