Presentations with Sr. Cathy Stare during Lent
Reading the Gospel of Mark: His Mind and His Message
We’ve heard and loved the Gospel stories for many years. But how can we read the Gospels that were written in a world that was very different than our own?
In these four sessions, we will read the Gospel of Mark, appreciate his theology, and apply his message to our lives today.
To register email Sister Cathy at least two days before the presentation. Indicate which presentation you will attend.
Thursday night, February 29, 6:45-8:00PM
Friday morning, March 1, 10:00-11:15AM
Thursday night, March 7, 6:45-8:00PM
Friday morning, March 8, 10:00-11:15AM
Thursday night, March 21, 6:45-8:00PM
Friday morning, March 22, 10:00-11:15AM
Session 4
Thursday night, April 11, 6:45-8:00PM
Friday morning, April 5, 10:00-11:15AM