Scripture Study 101: Reading the Bible from the Twenty-First Century Perspective


The New Testament was written in times that were greatly different than our own.  We read Sacred Scripture as people who think in categories such as biology, psychology, anthropology, and evolution, all of which were totally foreign to first century believers.

Contemporary biblical scholarship helps us find the religious message intended by the Gospel writers and apply it to our life of faith today.  If the Bible is the revealed word of God, how do we understand it today? 

You may leave these sessions with more questions than answers, but you will have tools for reading and continuing to learn about the four gospels, these cornerstones of our faith.


Part 1 – Tuesday, October 17.  A Contemporary Look at Scripture, and Introduction to the Four Gospels

Part 2 – Tuesday, October 24, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: What Were They Thinking?


Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Parish Center

Presenter:  Sister Cathy Stare

To register: Email Sister Cathy Stare at at least two days before each session you plan to attend.