Finding Mary and Jesus in Our World of Hearts with Dr. Maria Basile

Deepen your prayer life and join us as we pause, ponder, and pray together with a focus on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and our own hearts, today.  You don’t have to be an expert.  You don’t have to buy a book or a bible.  You don’t even have to read out loud if you don’t feel like it.  Just come, take a break with us, and sit with the Word of God. 

  • Matt 8:5-13

    The Centurion

    Faithful Hearts


  • Mark 10:13-16

    Jesus an the Children

    Kind and Gentle Hearts

  • Matt 11:28-30

    Sacred heart Apparitions

    Meek and Humble Hearts

New lessons each week, we meet most Wednesdays in person at the rectory at 11.   Or join us online (on Zoom) at 5:30pm Wednesdays.  Email parishoffice@shjmbasilica.org to RSVP for 11am in-person sessions or to get the Zoom link to join us at 5:30pm!